Our Mission
Reach Out
Start Being The Difference in Your Community!
Get Involved Now!
Evengroundz Inc. is a growing vocal advocate for the youth of Memphis. Our mission is to educate and strengthen our communities by reteaching the skills of listening and open communication. Our youth are willing to talk, they just need a platform and an understanding of how to communicate effectively with each other.
We need your help immediately!
Youth dress clothing, food, school supplies, cleaning supplies, and monetary donations.
Make your contribution now.
Be a mentor/volunteer
For more than 7 years, Evengroundz Inc. has devoted its energy to passionately advocate for the disadvantaged and underprivileged youth of Memphis.
We make it our mission to touch as many communities as we can.
Our mentors and volunteers play a major role in the success of the organization and we need dedicated members of the community on the team to help make a difference. Our youth need to feel our presence to know we are here for change.
Don't Keep Our Young People Waiting!!!
When is the right time to become instrumental in their development? The time is now to Even the Groundz for the underserved. Bring your talents, skills, wisdom, resources, and your love back to your own community. The pure value of creating new relationships in your community is priceless.